Saturday, September 02, 2006

Starting Today

I used to write heavily. Almost every day. But now, I want to get the habit back - or at least, maintain one (and post from time to time). I have such a busy schedule nowadays, anyway that's why I don't really see this as a day-to-day activity.

I want to leave the old one behind (though I kept a copy of it). The last post there was May 8, 2003 (I'll be closing that chapter *finally*, after three years).

Another important reason for creating a new blog is that I think I've changed quite a bit since then (not necessarily improved, but changed), hence it calls for a new posting site - just to distinguish that phase of my life vs. the current. It's very different, you know, being a fresh graduate from college vs. a working person, at the moment. It is true you get to know what you want more in life as you get older.

Roughly a couple of years ago, I was managing my files and re-read entries of my old blog, and it made me start to cringe and tell my self, "Sheesh, did I actually write that stuff?" - yikes. And I don't want to go through all that torture every time I keep posting there.

So, here goes.

Cheers to a new blog!

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